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  • Writer's pictureDavid Johanns

Last Day in George Town

I think i am the very last boat of the entire fleet that was here to leave. Finally got the outboard running. Always the dumbest things that causes a problem. Realized I had the hose from the fuel take in the wrong direction. It only siphones one way. So I was just pumping air into the engine. After I got the fuel line in the right direction, the engine ran like it was brand new. One problem solved! Dinghied into town and it did not stall once!. Another bone rattling ride on the Takacat. Picked up some last minute groceries

, transmission oil and fuel for the outboard. I am ready to go sailing. Even if it is back North.

I bought galvanized chain to wrap around the outer shroudes from the main mast. If you tie it on the shroud and dangle it in the water this provides an alleged grounding for the boat. Lightning happens when there is huge differential between positive and negative charged particles in the air. Electricity like water will always and hopefully choose the path lof least resistance. So by putting chains attached to the shrouds, which are attached to the mast will allow a potential lightning strike to travel straight to the water. Electricity always travels in the positive to minus or negative direction. In this case the water is the negative or ground. That is why everything in your home is grounded. That is the green or bare wire when yo

u hook up a household receptacle or light. Science is everything. That is my Bill Nigh moment.

Two thunder squalls rolled through the GT anchorage last night. Winds actually got pretty high as reflected in the screeching sound made by the wind through the rigging. It can be a little daunting. However one gets climatized to this. You always look behind the boat to see where you will end up if the anchor starts dragging. Behind me was a rocky beach but I would have plenty of time to avert being dashed ashore by using the engine. Lightning was illuminating everything around me and there seemed to be no delay between the flash and the thunder, meaning that it was pretty much on top of me. So I put the chains on the shrouds and that seemed to provide faith that I would not die by a bolt of lightning. As the rain pounde

d down loudly on the deck roof I started getting dinner ready.

The squall left m

uch like the heat of a hot torrid relationship. Fast and furious and then nothing.

I wanted to clear the deck real estate. I have been hauling this wonderful lapstrake dinghy around which rows beautifully. However it is impractical in the Bahamas and I am tired of having it on the deck. Just one more thing to lash down in big waves. I met a kindred spirit named Ken at a mooring ball in Hole #2. I asked if he wanted the use of a rowing/sailing dinghy until I return. He sai

d yes so I rowed it over to his boat. I felt sad that this little boat that i carried all the way from Toronto was going to be left behind. She is a wonderful little boat. However I want to carry less stuff. So we had our last row. I may never return. And I am sure there is someone in George Town who can one day use it. Or maybe I will be back.

Ken is like a character out of a Hemingway novel. A man who hs experienced life, soft spoken, gentle soul and wise. I call him 3 chord Ken. He plays guitar and writes very entertaining songs. He is what I call the real deal. A person I am grateful to have met and have in my universe.

His boat looks like

something that has not moved for sometime and something of an inspiration from a Mad

Max movie or maybe Waterworld. two large wind generators ascended from the stern providing an ominous loud whirring sound while they belt out current for the house batteries, multiple tenders float off the boat, a solid layer of growth reflecting a stationary existence, and Ken bounding out of the companionway.

Upon our departure Ken mentioned something to me that resonates with what I am currently living for, "Stay safe young man. The world needs your piano. Music is the answer". That is why Ken is a g

uy I will keep close. He speaks my language.

I am writing this from what was formerly the stern cabin. Now the outside seating area. Protected form the strong Bahamian sun. Motor is quietly whirring. Sails are up. Doing an easy 5 knots in a relatively calm sea. It is very comforting to be underwa

y again. the boat is meant to move, to be sailed, to explore. I was getting restless in goerge Town.

I am naked which is of course a liberating experience. Sailing naked even more liberating. I highly recommend it. Will be in Rudders cut by late afternoon. Hope to dive the mermaid again.


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